Art Rooted in Nature

Find peace and refuge in the beauty and stillness of nature.

“ Navigating between cultures and moving across the US has influenced my artistic vision, that resonates with those who understand what it feels like to be uprooted. Nature has kept me grounded when I feared I would lose myself.

— Nadya Babich

My Painting Journey

I was born in Krasnoyarsk in the frigid Siberian winter. Moving to the United States was only the first of several relocations, spanning 4 different states across the country. My love of art kept me sane through all the change, leading me to study Visual Arts at Oberlin College. Today I reside just outside Washington, D.C.

Navigating between cultures and moving across the US has influenced my artistic vision, which resonates with those who understand what it feels like to be uprooted. I feared I would lose myself in the turmoil but no matter where I went, I found refuge in nature.

Through my work, I seek to unveil the power of nature to guide and heal us, providing refuge when we feel alone, unanchored and disconnected from the world.

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When will you have prints?

I have attempted to distribute prints through Print on Demand services but so far have not been satisfied with the quality. I am in the process of shopping around and trying out more services and potentially printing my own. Hopefully by the beginning of 2024 you will start to see some prints available in the store.

Do you do commissions?

I take commissions when I believe I am a good fit based on the concept that the customer has in mind. I’m always more than happy to chat about any ideas you might have.

Do you ship outside the US?

Not at this time, but as my business grows I hope to be able to accommodate international orders in the future.

Can I visit your studio?

Currently I only have an in home studio but in the future I hope to lease a space somewhere in the DC area. Then I will be able to have visiting hours and events open to the public.

Which artists influence your work?

Edvard Munch and the German Expressionist movement, Frida Kahlo, and Kandinsky are three major influences of my work in terms of the emotional impact and the themes I want my work to convey.

What is your favorite media?

This is a really tough question, because I think what I love about media is how they interact with each other. I go through phases of experimenting with different things and there will be periods where I experiment with one media more heavily. Most recently I have been excited about the possibilities of gelli prints and creating my own patterns to collage into my work.